Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd
How to Prepare Millennials for Future Leadership Success
Leadership How to Prepare Millennials for Future Leadership Success

The Kafka-esque nightmare of the traditional employment ladder just does not cut it anymore. Being forced to navigate shifting goalposts, opaque promotion structures, favouritism, nepotism and all manner of other hallmarks of an uneven playing field has no place in the modern workplace. 

How to Influence, Train and Enable Millennials for Leadership
Leadership How to Influence, Train and Enable Millennials for Leadership

Step forward, Millennials; now it is your time. Thirty years of development, growth, understanding and tutelage have taken us to this point. Now, it is time for the Millennial generation to take over at the driving seat.

Curiosity as a Leader: Why Great Leadership Needs Curiosity
Leadership Curiosity as a Leader: Why Great Leadership Needs Curiosity

When does innovation occur? When a problem demands a new solution and a different approach. If there is no curiosity, how can these new paths be forged? Without curiosity, innovation simply cannot happen.

Leadership in the Family
Leadership Leadership in the Family

The Australian family looks a little different today to the way it did four decades ago. Walk into an average Australian household in 1976 and you would likely have seen a heterosexual couple raising dependent children – this was simply the most common family structure at that time.

Leadership in the Community: Building Stronger Communities Through Enabling Leadership
Leadership Leadership in the Community: Building Stronger Communities Through Enabling Leadership

Politics was once about causes and moral obligation; about standing up for what we believed in and making our voices heard. However, it feels that, recently, this idealism is lacking from modern governance.