Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

IAVE World Volunteer Conference Updates

by | September 20, 2014

15 September 2014

IAVE World Youth Conference starts today - Gold Coast - Queensland. Young people 18 - 25 years expected to attend from 20 regions of the world. 

17 September 2014

Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Cosgrove to attend Gala Dinner at opening of IAVE World Volunteer Conference, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre tonight.

18 September 2014

Senator Mitch Fifield Commonwealth Assistant Minister for Social Services and Business Management in the Senate officially opened the IAVE World Volunteer Conference on Gold Coast, Queensland today.

Senator Fifield was the official representative of the Prime Minister Hon. Tony Abbott. The Prime Minister sent a welcome video to Conference delegates. 

19 September 2014

Jenny Brockie from SBS "Insight" interviewed a great panel at IAVE Conference today on


Panellists Simon McKeon Chairman AMP, Robert Fitzgerald Commissioner on Commissions Enquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse, Amanda MuKwashi United Nations Volunteer Bonn, and Catherine Yeomans CEO Mission Australia shared their insights with Conference delegates. (Transcript available). 

20 September 2014

Annalie Killian Head of AMP Innovation and Communications proved she was a real catalyst for magic as she presented one of the closing addresses at IAVE 2014.

Vietnam for IAVE next Asia Pacific Regional Conference October 2015, and IAVE next world gathering Mexico City November 2016 as the volunteer movement strives to build strong social cohesion as a tool for harmony and peace in a troubled world.