Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

Senator Ursula Stephens Parliamentary Secretary

by | October 1, 2009

Senator Ursula Stephens Parliamentary Secretary for the Voluntary Sector and Social Inclusion appoints Chain Reaction CEO to National Advisory Group for IYV+10 (International Year of the Volunteer)


Margaret Bell CEO Chain Reaction Foundation has been appointed to the National Advisory Group formulating a National Strategy for Volunteering in Australia for 2010 and beyond. The Strategy will be launched to celebrate IYV+10 and in its production will be a document widely consulted with representatives of the volunteer movement across Australia. Chain Reaction welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Strategy and will work to see a completely new understanding of volunteering and its meaning for future not relying on tired service models of operation but rather on new  dynamic models of reciprocity and multi-identity volunteering based on the need for social engagement cohesion and inclusion as the way forward for Australian society.

Margaret has served as Executive Director of Volunteering NSW (14 years) and was the founding President/CEO of Volunteering Australia. She was world President of The International Association for Volunteer Effort in the lead up to the conduct of the Year of the Volunteer in 2001. IAVE had its secretariat in Australia during that period and was largely instrumental in the year being designated as such by the United Nations.