Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

Family Life Skills Program for Parents/Adults

Enquiries for further information and bookings please contact - Rumbi Mabambe - 0438 187 611

Print out Enrolment Form Family Skills and email to  

Also check out the book "REAL PARENTING FOR REAL KIDS" by Melissa Hood, our Family Skills Facilitator.
The book can be purchased through Chain Reaction Foundation here

Learning Ground has designed its Family Skills Program for parents who really want their kids to enjoy growing up, to have school lives without trouble, and grow into strong young men and women who can manage their own lives, and learn to appreciate others. 

Family Skills is a program needed by all parents. It is not easy bringing up children in a world full of electronic devices, where the use of mobile phones can be helpful but can also create harm, where electronic games can be good for a young brain but can also be harmful especially in some of the messages the games send. Family Skills is designed to support parents and older family members to help young ones face the challenges of growing up in a digital world. It also helps to keep the relationship between parent and child that we would all desire to have, trusting, and believing in one another. 

Family Skills works for every day families, it also works for families handling issues that are hard to handle and above all Family Skills Programs care about YOU the parent or adult who wants it all to work out for your child. 

Coming to Family Skills means you are already a winner. No matter what issues you face, and we all face being unsure from time to time about the way we are parenting, Family Skills staff are there for you, will keep discussion in your group entirely private and you will enjoy each and every time you have together. 

Family Skills is a program suitable to parents, guardians, grandparents, and others working with children or adolescents. 

A light meal is provided, and there is no charge for the program. Family Skills Program operates within the school Term.

Programs are designed for adults seeking to do their best in post COVID lock-down times which have made being a parent just that much more difficult. How to work with anxious kids, some who are defiant, some who can’t get up in the morning, and others who have lost concentration other than for mobile phones and games

Workshops – Frequent Half day sessions topics often by request:
Workshops covering all age groups 0 – 17, and topics of specific value to parents with children in this age range, e.g. handling temper tantrums, bed-time blues, meal time problems, sibling rivalry, fear of the unknown, addiction to devices, anger management, passive aggression and much much more.

Webinarswill commence in March – of interest to parents, teachers, and those working with children.
For details contact Rumbi 0438 187 611

We are taking enrolments now for each of the programs. Once enrolled parents are expected to attend six sessions, one each week for six weeks from the commencement date.
A qualifying certificate is issued to those who have attended each session. The program is experiential not a written program so it is necessary to attend each session for maximum benefit. The program is endorsed by Western Sydney University and can be useful to obtain credit points at TAFE, or for other child care program training. It is sponsored by Commonwealth Department of Social Services and The Neilson Foundation.