Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

Board Of Directors

Margaret Bell, AM
President/Chief Executive Officer - Chain Reaction Foundation

Margaret has been working with community, business and government leaders during 50 years of wide involvement with civil society at state, national and international levels. Margaret was founding President/CEO of Volunteering Australia, the peak national body for volunteering, founding member of the Australian Prime Minister's round table on business and community partnerships, a founding Director of CIVICUS, the World Alliance for Citizen Participation, and World President of the International Association for Volunteer Effort.

She is the founder of Chain Reaction Foundation, dedicated to working with community, business and government leaders to find clearer, more sustainable ways to build social cohesion and inclusion nationally and locally.


Benjamin Chow, AO
Council of the National Museum of Australia

Benjamin Chow spent over forty years in the land development industry both in Australia and South East Asia. He sits on the boards of Global Fortune Investment Limited and Mindax Limited. He is a Council Member of Sydney Medical School Foundation, University of Sydney and Chairman of Australia and China Beverages Food and Health Supplement Products Association (ACPA).

Benjamin has served on many Boards of Universities and NGO's. He was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2001 and made an Officer in the Order of Australia in 2007.

Dorothy Harding
Communications Consultant

Dorothy Harding has over 30 years of communications industry experience, she has worked for private, not for profit and government clients including six years with Volunteering NSW. Currently working as a consultant her diverse client portfolio includes ASX listed oil and gas companies, environmentally friendly coffin manufacturers,  nuclear radiology association and hospitality. As a Board Member of Chain Reaction she provides pro bono support with graphic design and communication issues.

Dr John Hewson, AM
Former Leader of the Federal Opposition, Australia

Dr John Hewson is an economic and financial expert with experience in academia, business, government, media and the financial system. He has worked as an economist for the Australian Treasury, the Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund and as an advisor to two successive Federal Treasurers and the Prime Minister. In February 2014, Dr Hewson joined the Australian National University as Professor and Chair of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute.

He is involved in many major charities including:
Launched and Led, The National Breast Cancer Campaign; President, Arthritis Australia; Chairman and Founder, Osteoporosis Australia; Chairman, KidsXpress; Chairman, Advisory Board, Cambodian Children’s Fund and Patron of a host of other charities.


Hon John Hood
Business Advisor

John Hood is a company Director with a considerable business background with George Wimpey Ltd, Chemical Bank, Chase Manhattan and JP Morgan - all in London. He is a Director of The Parent Practice UK and Bellanga Pastoral Co Australia.  He comes to Chain Reaction Foundation as a business advisor.

Rod Little, MAICD

Rod is from the Yamatji and Nyoongar peoples of Geraldton and Perth areas of WA and lives in Canberra. Currently an Associate of the Burbangana Group and a consultant specialising in matters impacting First Peoples. He is a former Co-Chair and Director of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples, and former Chairperson of the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body.

Rod has extensive lived and professional experience in working in education, employment and other social policy and program areas for the benefit of First Peoples and communities.


Prof Abd-Elmasih Malak, AM
Chair, Multicultural Mental Health Australia Association, Vice-President World Federation of Mental Health and Convenor Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (APRO)

Professor Malak has worked in the field of health and social welfare for the past 30 years in service provision, policy development, planning and management.  He has published a wide range of  papers on cross-cultural issues.

In 2002 Abd was made a Member of the Order of Australia for his service to immigrant communities. He is currently CEO of the MMM Group, a global health consultancy group. 

Pamela Gilbert
Development Advisor

Pamela has over 25 years experience gained as director of a management consultancy and corporate advisor developing business plans, marketing plans and funding reports.

She is a member of the Founding 50, Leading Women’s Fund, Australia for UNHCR and previously, as a Women's Projects Advisory Committee Member, was involved in fundraising projects including the UNHCR Vocational Training Centre in Uganda and responsible for initiating an online marketing campaign focused on promoting SafeMother and Baby Delivery Kits in refugee camps.


Prof Michele Simons
Dean of Education - Western Sydney University

Professor Simons has a background in adult and vocational education.  Prior to her university appointments, she worked in community services, leading a range of programs for couples, parents and families.

She has served on committees for a number of national organisations and government committees focused on the provision of family services in Australia. Michele is currently a Director for Engagement Australia and sits on a number of national education and research related committees.