Chain Reaction Foundation Ltd

Leadership Development

Leadership Development Program


The Leadership Development Program is a self-leadership program for men and women who would like to take stronger leadership roles in their families, at work, within local community, church groups, or other areas of engagement.

No formal education is required, only the desire to have greater success in life. The program addresses skills in understanding one's self and developing good listening, communication, leadership and decision making techniques for building a social cohesive, safe and engaged environment.

Upcoming course: Please call or email for information.

Contact or phone (02) 9953 3287 or Rumbi Mabambe 0438 187 611

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"I'm going to Learning Ground this year because I am quite scared of going to High School next year, my brother went there and he says it taught him to feel much better about himself"

Year 6 girl

Are you interested in this program?

Contact Rumbi Mabambe for more information

(02) 9953 3287 or 0438 187 611