Upcoming course: Please call or email for information.
Please contact Margaret (02) 9953 3287 or Rumbi 0438 187 611 for more details and bookings.
Print out Enrolment Form Enablers Program and email to rumbi@chainreaction.org.au
This program runs for six Tuesdays from 10.30am to 1.30pm (a light meal is provided). Enablers Program is for women and men 18 - 80 years who wish to develop leadership skills to enable them to work more effectively within family life, work life or in the service of their local communities.
It is a program about YOU. Helps us to know ourselves much better, to appreciate how to foster the development of our own self-esteem, to gauge our own sense of belonging at work and at home, to gain confidence in being the person that I am, to forgive ourselves for mistakes of the past, and to reach out in a much stronger understanding of others. Those who have completed the course speak of feeling more confident, family and work colleagues recognising a real difference in them and it is very common that participants seek or are offered a job, a new job, or in numerous cases a promotion.
Good will, willingness to work as part of the group, formal education not necessary and no university degree will over qualify you, the course is experiential and explicitly prepared for those who take or prepare to take a strong leadership role in Mt Druitt community either in a government department, community organisation, resident's action group, within a faith-based community or particular ethnic group.
How to discover the best parts of yourself that will lead to further success in your adult life, to listen with confidence to your own voice and that of others, to heed what is good and reject what may be harmful. You will learn to value yourself as you have not done before (no matter how many previous training programs you may have attended over years) and to value and respect others in the same way. You will learn how to become a good listener, communicator, and decision-maker. You will learn how to express yourself with assertion but not aggression, to make yourself clearly understood and therefore appreciated. You will learn the leadership skills required for the coming decade - you will learn how to become an ‘ENABLER' the finest kind of community leader and the most sort after for the years ahead in building safe cohesive and engaged communities.