Learning Ground participant shares her story.
Learning Ground participant Krista Crawley and her mother Melissa were recently featured in a 9 Honey article by Victoria Owens.
The story titled “Why mum ‘walked out of the school crying’ over a teachers comment” dived into Melissas experience with trying to navigate getting support for her daughter who was struggling day to day in the school setting.
Krista’s journey is one of many stories showcasing how Learning Ground’s psycho- educational program gives young people agency and the tenacity to draw on their strengths for positive life outcomes.
Krista says of Learning Ground, “They helped me be able to express my emotions, they helped me become my true self, and not be ashamed of who I was, they helped me get out of my shell, make friends because I didn’t really have any”.
Melissa shared “ I really appreciate the Learning ground for stepping in and helping us because I don’t know what we would have done without them”.
From everyone at Learning Ground we thank Krista and her family for sharing their story and look forward to seeing Krista continue to grow into the amazing woman she is.
Read the full article - https://honey.nine.com.au/parenting/chain-reaction-foundation-program-krista-crawley-exclusive/04167336-3ebd-464f-b709-ffb999f4ebe9
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